Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Starters & Snacks

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix is an amazing snack that is rapidly becoming my new favorite thing to make. A friend of mine is from Hawaii, and this was a staple for him when he was growing up, which is what inspired the recipe. 

I have always enjoyed Chex Mix as a snack, but never made it on my own until now, and I’m amazed at how easy it is. I don’t have to buy it in the store anymore, now that I know exactly how to make it! This SImply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix is seriously addictive. I can’t stop eating it when I make it. 

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Have you tried making this Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix? Come on in and let me tell you about it! 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix Ingredients 

Rice Chex, 1 box 

Corn Chex, 1 box, you can also use wheat Chex 

Honey Comb Cereal, 1 box 

Bugles, 1 bag 

Buttered Pretzels, 1 bag 


Butter, unsalted, 2 sticks, you can use 4 sticks, but you may need to adjust baking and cooling time. I’ve seen and made recipes calling for both 2 and 4, so it is a matter of preference. 

Sugar, ¾ cup 

Karo Syrup, ¾ cup, you can substitute honey, but it will change the flavor 

Vegetable Oil, ⅔ cup, you can substitute avocado oil if desired

Soy Sauce, 2-3 tablespoons you can also substitute Shoyu instead 

Nori Komi Furikake, 2 bottles 

Additional Options 


Salted peanuts 



Cayenne Pepper

Worcester Sauce 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix Directions 

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. 

Using 5-6 roasting pans, divide up all of the cereals evenly into each pan. The first time I did this, I used 5 roasting pans, and it was difficult to stir without making a mess and having a bunch escape all over the counter or at the bottle of the oven. If you only have 5, consider using a larger mixing bowl to mix each batch. If you can, use 6 pans to make it easier on yourself.  

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter, sugar, and Karo syrup together. 

Once heated, add in the vegetable oil, and soy sauce. Stir well to combine. 

Divide the sauce mixture evenly between each pan, constantly stirring as you pour the sauce to ensure that each piece is evenly coated. You’ll want to work fairly quickly in this step, as the sauce will start to harden up as it cools and make it impossible to stir or mix. You’ll end up with a sticky blob of brittle. 

Once each piece is nice and sticky, generously sprinkle on the furikake while continuing to mix. This is a great time to have one of your kids help do the sprinkling while you stir, if they are helping you. You want everything well coated. I haven’t found any real measurements in any recipe with this, so just eyeball the furikake amount until you’re happy with it. Or divide two containers by the number of pans you’re using. 

Pop the pans in the oven for one hour, stirring every 15 minutes to make sure each piece gets nice and warm and dry out evenly. When you stir, use a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula, and be gentle. You don’t want to crush the cereal as you stir it, this isn’t a step to rush. 

Note that if the mix still looks wet, you can continue baking it in 15 minute intervals until you are happy with it. The goal isn’t to cook the mixture, but to dry it out in the oven so it retains that crispy cereal texture. Don’t be afraid to adjust and keep going if you need to. Nobody wants soggy chex mix! 

Remove from the oven and allow it to cool completely. 

Store in an airtight bag like gallon Ziplocks for up to two weeks. Although this stuff is so delicious, I’d be amazed if it lasted that long. It doesn’t in my house! 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

Recipe Notes 

You may have to make this in multiple batches because there isn’t room in the oven for all of the pans. If that is the case for you, do not cover all of the pans with the sauce. Only put sauce in as many pans as you can fit into the oven at one time. Leave the saucepan on the burner under a very low heat, just to keep it from cooling and becoming hard until you are ready to use it on the next batch. 

I don’t recommend using a cookie sheet for this either, because it needs to be stirred. It’ll just make a mess, and cost you time. You really need a larger roasting type pan (9X13 inch) to be successful with this recipe. 

Not all furikake is made equal. I’ve seen some made with bonito flakes, salmon, and even wasabi. These will change the flavor of your chex mix and it may or may not be good. Definitely make sure you’re buying Nori Komi Furikake, otherwise the flavor of your chex mix may be a surprise. 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

There is a lot of dividing and adding in this recipe, and you want everything as evenly done as possible. I may or may not be a perfectionist about this. But it is impossible to get everything perfect. Just eyeball it all and relax. It’ll all get mixed, coated, and eaten just fine. 

There is always a batch that gets some extra coating because I don’t want to waste any. If you find yourself in that same position, bake it for an extra 30 minutes and set that one aside from the others to cool on the counter overnight to fully dry it out. 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

Why I Love This Recipe 

As I said earlier, one of my closest friends is Filipino and grew up in Hawaii. This recipe is one he has enjoyed since childhood, and is a really fun way for me to experience a part of his culture that I’m not familiar with. 

I love the combination of sweet and slightly salty flavor this Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix has. It is delicious, and it can be adjusted to fit your taste preferences as well. I find this specific recipe to be totally addicting. It is really hard not to just shovel it in my face once it is made and cooled. 

I made this recipe right before the holidays and took it with me because I love baking snacks and desserts for everyone, and this was a perfect addition and very well-received because it was something fun, unique, and different. 

It is so easy to make that anyone can do it, and I love that. Simple recipes are often the best recipes. Anyone really can make this recipe, no matter what your skill level in cooking is. It is also an excellent kid-friendly recipe for little ones who aren’t old enough to do anything complicated. They can easily pour the cereal and pretzels into the baking pans. Or even stir the mix once it is time, with the proper supervision since the pans will be hot. 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix


Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

Have you tried making this Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix yourself yet? Did you do anything different or make any substitutions? Are you a fan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix

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Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix
Simply Delicious Hawaiian Style Chex Mix


  • Magnificent Momma

    Chex mix is always one of my favorite snacks. I lean more towards salty snacks. So of course chex mix is a favorite of mine. My aunt used to make it homemade and I wish I had the recipe she used but yours sounds really good. You used some ingredients I’ve never heard of and was wondering if you could tell me what that nori thing is? I love that used bugles in it that’s a unique twist. Keep up the creative recipes. I’ve got a really good one for you if your up for a collaboration type post 🙂

    • The Cooking Wife

      Nori is a type of seaweed that is very popular in Japanese cooking. It is also packed full of nutritious vitamins, so it is good for you. Sushi is often wrapped in Nori. You can buy it in dried sheets and either rehydrate them or grind it up in a dish. I’ve also always loved homemade Chex Mix myself, and I am working on several more variations right now that I’m excited to share soon.

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