Parmesan Roasted Asparagus
Side Dish

Parmesan Roasted Asparagus

Parmesan Roasted Asparagus

Parmesan roasted asparagus is easily my favorite way to enjoy this vegetable. Roasting it in the oven is simply delicious. I feel the same way about cauliflower as well. 

This is such a great recipe, because it gets people out of the funk of, oh, it’s asparagus!’ You know where you suggest it, and everybody wrinkles up their nose at even the thought? Yeah, even Nathan, my husband, does that to me. 

This is one of those recipes that even he was willing to try. I swear, putting garlic and parmesan cheese on anything will encourage him to try it. He may be a small child in his head, I haven’t quite decided yet. 

One of my favorite things about this dish is the simplicity of it. It’s super easy to make, a cookie sheet and some foil can be used for cooking, making cleanup is a breeze. That is a big thing in my book. It’s a fast dish too, requiring very little prep and less than 10 minutes of actual cooking time. 


1 bunch of asparagus (trim the woody end pieces off) 

½ teaspoon garlic salt

Lemon juice, to taste 

2 tablespoons olive oil

Fresh rosemary, to taste (roughly 10-iish pieces) 

Parmesan cheese


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

Cover a cookie sheet with foil

After trimming the end pieces off the asparagus and rinsing it, I lay them out on a paper towel to dry, then put it on the cookie sheet. Once laid out, I sprinkle garlic salt, lemon juice, oil, and rosemary, and toss until nice and coated in all of these delicious seasonings. 

My favorite part about this recipe is the lemon juice. Because it is a bright pop of acidity and freshness. Lemon brings out the flavor of the asparagus. 

Once it is coated in everything, I lay it out flat and fairly close together. It should all fit in a single line on the cookie sheet. Then I sprinkled with parmesan cheese. I didn’t list any specific amount on here, because that is really a matter of preference. 

Some people like it just to give it that extra flavor and texture. Some like copious amounts so it has that ooey-gooey (a very technical term) cheesy stringy quality to it. Or, anything in between. Play with the amount of cheese you use for the desired texture you’re looking for. 

Bake for 8 minutes and serve immediately. 


This goes great with a chicken dish, because it provides a beautiful color contrast. You can also do a parmesan mashed potato with it. Which makes all of these ingredients do a double duty, while tying it all together as well. I personally think this is such a fun recipe, going a little outside the box, but still using some pretty typical yet wonderful ingredients. 

My favorite chicken dishes to pair this with are beer can chicken or parmesan-dijon chicken

Nathan was willing to try this dish when I made it and actually liked it. He still doesn’t ask for it, and won’t suggest it on his own accord. But, he was willing to try it and enjoyed it. I always say, putting a little olive oil and parmesan cheese on something will always make it better. Or, just make my husband eat it. 

Make this a kid-friendly recipe!

This could also be an excellent way to introduce kids to asparagus because of the cheese as well. Sometimes I feel like Nathan is an overgrown 5 year old, so if I can get him to eat it, I know it is a great method to use on actual children. 

Another option for a more melty texture is to use mozzarella cheese. If you’re looking for a crispy texture on the cheese, turn the oven on to broil for a couple of minutes at the end, until the cheese turns golden brown. 

There are several ways to go with this recipe, and that is what makes it fun! I’ve experimented with this one a few times to get the different cheese textures I just talked about. 


What is your favorite way to prepare asparagus? Have you tried this parmesan roasted asparagus recipe? Let me know in the comments! Check out my other side dish recipes!


  • Nicholas Tuma

    These are delicious and are an amazing side dish; you can really make people fight over this asparagus! I used 2 ½ garlic cloves and sea salt in place of the garlic salt. I also added some butter to the roasted asparagus at the end. Delicious.

  • Scott J DeNicola

    I’ve only recently discovered asparagus (and Brussel sprouts) in the last few years and they have quickly become my favorite vegetables. I’ve always liked my veggies but I have a good explanation of why it took so long to come around to these two. As long as the asparagus has a bit of crispness to it I’m all in! And cheese! Come on!

    • The Prepping Wife

      Scott, try par-cooking brussels sprouts in boiling water until they are just soft. Then use a potato masher to flatten them out, like smashed potatoes. Sprinkle a little bit of garlic salt and parmesan cheese on top and then broil in the oven until the cheese is that golden brown and super crispy texture. Game changer!

    • Snehal

      I have never tried asparagus with cheese. Hmm… This sounds tasty! I like it how the ingredients are basic and easily available here. Will try it out! 😋

    • The Prepping Wife

      Simple dishes are always the best dishes! The fact that cleanup after this one is just as easy as making it is a BIG win in my book!

  • Smita

    Garlic and cheese make everything so much better! I’ve never tried this recipe but would love to give it a go. I enjoy roasted cauliflower too. And broccoli!

  • Casey

    This looks absolutely delicious!

    I’ve been having an asparagus frenzy this summer and constantly eating it. This sounds like a lovely new recipe to try!

    • The Prepping Wife

      Thank you so much, Alexandra! Stay safe this weekend. I’m sending big hugs, hoping the hurricane passes right by you. Or better yet loses steam and doesn’t even make it to you.

  • Lyosha

    Looks delicious! I love asparagus with cheese, it makes the best side dish for me (I actually gave up on main dish for asparagus with Parmesan). I should make it this weekend

  • Kaye

    OH MY GOD. Let me tell you what; I straight up did not know I could do this recipe with asparagus. I learned about 6 years ago that I could make this recipe (well..pretty much the same recipe) with broccoli. If only I knew I could do this with asparagus! My mouth is watering. Also, what an easy way to get people (or myself) to eat asparagus!!

    • The Prepping Wife

      I’ve never even considered trying it with broccoli! Thanks for the tip! Now I need to make that too. Lol. I’m a big fan of broccoli, so that’ll be fantastic.

  • Despite Pain

    This looks delicious. I love roasted veg. Roasting transforms any veg, doesn’t it? And when you add the cheese on top, it turns into heaven on a plate. I’m sure anyone, of any age would love this.

  • Lindsay Brown

    Oh my goodness this sounds ahhhhhmazing! I love asparagus already, but this recipe knocks it out of the park! I think I may have to go buy some asparagus and try this out for dinner tonight!

  • Lene

    Roast any vegetable and it becomes like candy. Add garlic and cheese? You have just won my heart (stomach?). I’m normally not a big fan of Parmesan, but recently discovered that I like a little bit for that salty, flavorful crunch. Definitely going to try the asparagus!

  • Daphne Takahashi

    i love asparagus! But with your recipe they seem way more delicious, i think i’ll add this into my Christmas dinner this year! Thank you so much for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!

  • Norma

    This sounds like a great recipe! As the weather is getting colder, I have been experimenting with roasting different veggies. The last one I tried was brussel sprouts and everyone in my family liked it. Roasting asparagus also sounds delicious especially with garlic and cheese.

  • Stephanie S

    This recipe sounds amazing! I’ll definitely give this a try. I like to prepare my asapargus using black pepper, garlic salt, chili powder, and then I either roast them or grill them. I love how the flavors come together. Thank you for sharing this recipe! 🙂

  • Stella

    We never eat asparagus in my family, I don’t know why, just not in the habit I guess. This recipe sounds like an easy one for a non cook like me, and more importantly, very tasty too. I like the idea of serving it with parmesan mashed potatoes. Double goodness!

  • Kat

    What a simple and delicious-sounding dish! I haven’t had roasted vegetables in a really long time, but this sounds and looks so delicious, what a great combination. I will come back to this post the next time I buy asparagus.

  • Britt K

    This looks and sounds INCREDIBLE! My husband and I were just chatting about what we were going to make for supper tomorrow night because it’s our ‘relax night at home’ and this DEFINITELY fits the bill! We both love asparagus and we’re always looking for fun, new ways to cook it. Plus, the fact that we’re both total cheese ADDICTS doesn’t hurt lol

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