• Red Velvet Cake

    Red Velvet Cake

    Red Velvet Cake Red velvet cake has always been a favorite for me. It is the last birthday cake that I made my best friend, and there is a lot of memories in that. I actually have not made it since that time until today. It was a nice way to bring back that memory. Food equals memories, and this recipe is certainly no exception to that. This post contains affiliate links My favorite thing about this recipe is that it is actually really simple. I am always a bit amazed by that. That something that simple can taste so delicious. I am not the most elaborate baker in the…

  • Peppermint Bark Cheesecake

    Peppermint Bark Cheesecake

    Peppermint Bark Cheesecake Peppermint Bark Cheesecake has been a tradition in my household for many years now, and it is easily one of my favorites. If you love peppermint bark, you will absolutely love this decadent dessert just as much.  Winter and Christmas time always say peppermint to me, and it is definitely one of my favorite times of the year to make desserts. I also just really love cheesecake, and this is an amazing combination of the two, which is why it is one of my favorite holiday dessert traditions to make.  This post contains affiliate links Have you tried making this delicious Peppermint Bark Cheesecake? Come on in…

  • Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies  Zucchini chocolate chip cookies are quite simply amazing. I have been using this recipe for years now, and it has always been a family favorite. Where the recipe came from, I’m not sure. But I’m certainly glad I found it, because it is a well used recipe!  This is such a fun recipe for me because it is both simple and delicious. The zucchini adds some moisture to the cookies, without adding any real flavor to it. Who wants a dry chocolate chip cookie? I think that is the fastest way to ruin what should be a delicious cookie.  This post contains affiliate links Zucchini is…

  • Una's Amazing Apple Cake

    Una’s Amazing Apple Cake

    Una’s Amazing Apple Cake Una’s amazing apple cake recipe comes from Nathan’s grandmother. This is something everyone in his family thinks of when they think of Una. My mother in-law has it printed and framed in her kitchen. Whenever I see that, I can’t help but smile. Nathan has made it before, and it is simply amazing. This post contains affiliate links I am planning to make this for Nathan at thanksgiving this year as well. It is funny that we were talking about food for thanksgiving as we were walking through the grocery store recently. Nathan beat me to saying that we needed to make it. This was my…

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